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The steel structure grid was assembled successfully
Release time:2020-11-12 10:12:20      Number of hits:730

After two months of hard work by the builder, on the morning of July 30, with the lifting of the last steel skeleton and the completion of the positioning installation, the steel structure grid structure of The traffic hub of Dripping Lake in Lingang New Town was successfully completed and assembled, marking an important step in the construction of The traffic hub of Dripping Lake. Located in the north of the center of Lingang New City, the Project covers an area of about 73,300 square meters and involves the ground square, bus hub and supporting underground space around the terminal station of Line 16 of rail transit. After the completion of the project, it will realize multi-level seamless transfer and docking between various transportation modes and rail transit. After the completion of the construction, the builder will start the erection of aluminum alloy roof board, which is scheduled to be completed around the end of October.

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